Here's a step-by-step explanation of the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm:
1. Base Case: If the length of the input sequence x is 1, then the FFT of x is simply x itself. This is the stopping condition for the recursion.
2. Recursive Splitting: If the length of x is greater than 1, the algorithm splits the sequence into two parts: one containing the even-indexed elements and the other containing the odd-indexed elements.
3. FFT Computation: Recursively apply the FFT algorithm to both the even and odd subsequences obtained from the splitting step. This involves repeating steps 1-2 for each subsequence until reaching the base case.
4. Twiddle Factor: Calculate the twiddle factors, which are complex numbers that are applied to the odd-indexed elements before combining them with the even-indexed elements. These factors are calculated as e−2Ï€ik/N, where k ranges from 0 to N/2−1, and N is the length of the input sequence.
5. Combine Results: Combine the FFTs of the even and odd subsequences using the twiddle factors. Specifically, multiply the FFT of the odd subsequence by the twiddle factors element-wise, and then add the results to the FFT of the even subsequence. Similarly, subtract the same result from the FFT of the even subsequence.
6. Final Result: The combined results form the FFT of the original sequence xxx. This process continues recursively until the entire FFT is computed.
By recursively applying these steps, the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm efficiently computes the FFT of a given sequence.
MATLAB Function Code for Cooley-Tukey Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm
MATLAB Code for FFT of a Sine Function
MATLAB Code for FFT of a Cosine Function