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Amplitude, Frequency, and Phase Modulation Techniques


1. Analog Modulation Techniques:

Now we'll discuss some analog modulation techniques for bandpass signals, including amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and phase modulation.

1.1.1. Amplitude Modulation (AM):

The carrier signal's amplitude varies linearly with the amplitude of the message signal.

An AM wave may thus be described, in the most general form, as a function of time as follows.











When performing amplitude modulation (AM) with a carrier frequency of 100 Hz and a message frequency of 10 Hz, the resulting peak frequencies are as follows: 90 Hz (100 - 10 Hz), 100 Hz, and 110 Hz (100 + 10 Hz).

Figure: Frequency Spectrums of AM Signal (Lower Sideband, Carrier, and Upper Sideband)

A low-frequency message signal is modulated with a high-frequency carrier wave using a local oscillator to make communication possible. DSB, SSB, and VSB are common amplitude modulation techniques. We find a lot of bandwidth loss in DSB. The bandwidth of SSB is half that of DSB. Because of its low bandwidth, SSB is ideal for audio transmission. VSB has a little higher bandwidth than SSB, making it appropriate for video transmission.


MATLAB Code for Amplitude Modulation



Fig 1: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation

1.1.2. Frequency Modulation (FM):

The carrier signal's frequency varies linearly in response to the voltage variation in the message signal.







Here, modulation index = Δf / fm

Where Δf is the peak frequency deviation and fm = frequency of the message signal.

Here frequency deviation means how much the the frequency of the carrier signal deviates from its carrier's original frequency after frequency modulation.

When performing frequency modulation (FM) with a carrier frequency of 100 Hz and a message frequency of 10 Hz, the resulting peak frequencies are as follows: 80 Hz (100 - 2*10 Hz), 90 Hz (100 - 10 Hz), 100 Hz, 110 Hz (100 + 10 Hz), 120 Hz (100 +  2*10 Hz).

Figure: Frequency Spectrums of FM Signal

MATLAB Code for Frequency Modulation and Demodulation



Fig 2: Frequency Modulation and Demodulation

1.1.3. Phase Modulation (PM):

In phase modulation, the phase of the carrier signal varies linearly in accordance with the message signal voltage.





 Where, s(t) is the carrier signal and m(t) is the message signal.
Here in the above equation Kp is the phase sensitivity; the phase of the carrier signal signal is varied in accordance to the amplitude of the message signal where the amplitude of the carrier remain same in the modulation process.

In the phase modulation process, 
the modulation index = ΔΦ / fm.T

where, ΔΦ is the peak frequency deviation representing the maximum change in carrier frequency due to modulation

fm and T are the frequency and the period of the message signal respectively


MATLAB Code for Phase Modulation and Demodulation 




Also Read about

[1] DSB and SSB-SC


2. Digital Modulation Techniques:

Examples of digital modulation techniques are ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, QAM, PCM, etc.

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Admin & Author: Salim


  Interests: Signal Processing, Telecommunication, 5G Technology, Present & Future Wireless Technologies, Digital Signal Processing, Computer Networks, Millimeter Wave Band Channel, Web Development
  Seeking an opportunity in the Teaching or Electronics & Telecommunication domains.
  Possess M.Tech in Electronic Communication Systems.

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