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Copy the MATLAB code from here % The code is developed by clc; clear; close all; % Parameters samples_per_bit = 36; bit_duration = 1; num_bits = 20; sample_interval = bit_duration / samples_per_bit; time_vector = 0:sample_interval:(num_bits * bit_duration); time_vector(end) = []; % Generate and modulate binary data binary_data = randi([0, 1], 1, num_bits); modulated_bits = 2 * binary_data - 1; upsampled_signal = kron(modulated_bits, ones(1, samples_per_bit)); figure; plot(time_vector, upsampled_signal); title('Message Signal'); % Apply Gaussian filter filtered_signal = conv(GMSK_gaussian_filter1(bit_duration, samples_per_bit), upsampled_signal); filtered_signal = [filtered_signal, filtered_signal(end)]; figure; plot(filtered_signal); title('Filtered Signal'); % Integration & GMSK modulation integrated_signal = cumsum(filtered_signal); gmsk_signal = exp(1i * integrated_signal); % Plotting the real and imaginary parts of the GMSK signal ...